
Project “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries”

Project “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries” is aimed at solving common problems of nature parks and protected areas in the Black Sea Basin (BSB). The overall project objective is to contribute to increasing the level of availability of cross-border compatible environmental monitoring data and information in nature parks and protected areas in BSB. The major project outcome will be the creation of an intelligent platform for the collection, processing and analysis of environmental data via Web-based cloud service for automatic data collection from wireless sensor networks and Web-based cloud service for video content. An Online Monitoring System (OMS) for environmental data in BSB will integrate the measurement data and will serve as a platform for the dissemination of the collected information and data. The developed smart technologies and intelligent wireless sensor networks will also be used for conducting a monitoring of the condition of natural habitats and the availability of invasive species, and for distance observation of territories which are most dependent on climate change and anthropogenic influences.
A cross-border team of researchers will develop a common methodology for monitoring the condition of natural habitats and the availability of invasive species and conduct the monitoring. The methodology will guarantee the collection of compatible data and topical information about the location and size of damaged areas, the types of pressure and the evaluation of potential sources and forms of threat. For each nature park or protected area, permanent sampling control sites will be designated in which experts and volunteers will perform annual field observations.
Based on the collected monitoring information a report will be developed based on the assessed existing and potential sources and forms of pressure on key areas within protected territories of the Black Sea Basin and a List of proposed measures to be undertaken towards pollution preservation and restoration of the monitored key areas.