About us
“Association for Culture, Technology, Education and Development – Plovdiv University – Strandzha” (AKTORPUS) is a non-profit association established in 2016 in Ahtopol. The main goals of the association are:
– Establishment and affirmation of a regional center in the southeastern region of Bulgaria / Tsarevo, Ahtopol, Malko Tarnovo and the villages in Strandzha / for development and intelligent specialization of the region in the field of education, culture and cultural heritage, social services, economy, ecology and tourism;
– Development of a complex solution for the problems in the region / demographic, economic, social, cultural-educational and ecological/;
– Study and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage and ethnography of the region, natural landmarks, local genetic resources and biodiversity in order to preserve and develop them;
– Increasing intelligence capacity and employment in the region;
– Assistance and participation in short-term and long-term research programs, projects and expeditions;
– Development of research potential in the region.
The subject of activity of the association includes: development and introduction of innovative educational models, technologies and programs for increasing the intelligent capacity and employment in the region; development of research and applied research projects for development of the region and assistance of the institutions in the field of education, culture and cultural heritage, social services, economy, ecology and tourism; development of interactive technologies and platforms; conducting theoretical and practical training courses, seminars, forums; preparation and publication of printed publications – magazines, books, manuals and brochures related to the activities of the association.